Wednesday, 22 April 2015


Badass. Are you badass? I suppose I am. However, to be referred to as badass needs some getting used to. I think of badass and what comes to mind is an action movie actress, kind of like Angelina Jolie in Salt. Hehe.

Recently, an acquaintance called me ‘badass’. I remember being irritated and trying to ignore him but he kept insisting.

“Beth, do you know you’re badass?”

Ever tried to ignore someone but they are staring right into your eyes and you just have to talk to them. This was the exact situation this day. As irritated as I was, I let out a graceful grin and finally decided to ask why I was been labeled badass.

At some point I was starting to think my name was ugly or sounded like Nehemiah, Ezekiel or Abednego.

‘Well Beth, you know, ‘it’s never that serious. You are just a strong lady,’ he mumbled.

Evidently, it never occurred to him I would question his mortifying behavior. Please correct me if I am wrong but since when did badass become a synonym for strength? Is badass even an English word? This is exactly how we all assassinate grammar.

My friend Job is one of those men who believe women are trophies. An unapologetic chauvinist. Besides looking pretty and being taken care of, he believes nothing more should be expected from women.

Being a feminist, my most natural reaction would be prejudice, but like they say the best way to beat your opponent is by learning the ropes of their game.

If I could pretend for a moment to understand what Job really meant, even if it means jeopardizing my IQ. I presume by badass he meant the following :-

That I am hardworking and aggressive. Coming from the independent school of thought I ascribe to, I firmly hold that women should yearn to have heir own no matter how little it is. There is an unspoken satisfaction that comes with earning your coin. I can’t begin to break it down, it’s better when felt.

Women should have equal rights with men. PERIOD! That’s as far as I unfold this statement. Feminism is the trend; if you’re not one then you’re as good as non-existent. I would hardly be surprised if newly borns were named Feminist Achieng, Feminist Njeri. Doesn’t it just sound authentic? Opportunities should be equal for all and that includes chores in a contemporary modern family.

I loathe statements like ‘wachana na huyu, ni mwanamke,’ ‘wewe ni mwanamke hufai kufanya hivyo,’ what does that even mean? How is it even legal? That a woman shouldn’t do some things but apparently it’s okay for men to do it? This is obviously something I can’t begin to comprehend. All I know is that ‘mwanamke’ or ‘mwanaume’ stops at the biological nature. The rest I consider as gender violation.

Funny how a woman‘s stared at when she walks into a bistro on her own. Apparently according to society, she should be accompanied by a gentleman, preferably so that he can pay up the bill. Where is this written? If I wake up and decide to have glass of wine I’ll walk into a bar and buy myself one ON MY BILL. It’s the 21st century. We should all be liberal.

I do not run away from a fight. Please note, I do not put myself in confronting situations but if a need to defend myself arises, I will do exactly that. I leave it at that for you to soak.

Dear Job, this is why you probably call me ‘badass’. You might however need to check with you dictionary and replace the word with independent or self-defined. If this proves too much, then please stick to strong. Thank you!

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